Monaco-Ireland Arts Society

Promoting Irish Literature and the Arts in Monaco


Actors: Present & Past

Nick O'Conor

Nick O'Conor

Andrew Riley

Andrew Riley

Lynn Sharpe

Lynn Sharpe

Frank Dubuisson

Frank Dubuisson

Birgitt McDonagh

Birgitt McDonagh

Sean Webb

Sean Webb

Miranda Dawe

Miranda Dawe

Derek Smith

Derek Smith

Frank Megginson

Frank Megginson

John Luigi Megginson

John Luigi Megginson

Silke Muston

Silke Muston

Kathy Livesey

Kathy Livesey

Stewart Reading-Kitchen

Stewart Reading-Kitchen

Adrian Shaw

Adrian Shaw

Ashley Muston

Ashley Muston

Maya Shaw

Maya Shaw

Casper Kielland

Casper Kielland

Ian Livesey

Ian Livesey

George Rybarczyk

George Rybarczyk

Diana Rees

Diana Rees

Jane France

Jane France

Felice Locker

Felice Locker

Rachel Fenwick-Smith

Rachel Fenwick-Smith

Amanda Fenwick-Smith

Amanda Fenwick-Smith

Joanna Merchi

Joanna Merchi

Rice Prendiville

Rice Prendiville

Clyde van der Beek

Clyde van der Beek

Paulina van der Beek

Paulina van der Beek

Eric van Ginkel

Eric van Ginkel

Shireen McKee

Shireen McKee

Claire d'Arcy

Claire d'Arcy

Michael Davies

Michael Davies

Patsy Maloney

Patsy Maloney

Geoffrey Woodhouse

Geoffrey Woodhouse

Audrey Whitehead

Audrey Whitehead

Merville Spiers

Merville Spiers

Anne Mosley

Anne Mosley

Anne Batt

Anne Batt

Mike Muston

Mike Muston

Carol Williard

Carol Williard

Anne Fafoutakis

Anne Fafoutakis

Paul Connell

Paul Connell

Bernadette O'Farrell

Bernadette O'Farrell

Musicians & Singers

Erin's Trio

Erin's Trio


The Flowing Tide

The Flowing Tide

Irish Musicians from Clare

Des Burke

Des Burke

Bodhràn player

Nick O'Conor

Nick O'Conor


Robin Brock

Robin Brock


Barry Coffey

Barry Coffey


Mary-Anne Karlsson

Mary-Anne Karlsson


Culture Snippets



The distinctive role and craft of the seanchaí is particularly associated with the Gaeltacht (the Irish-speaking areas of Ireland), although story-tellers recognizable as seanchaithe were also to be found in rural areas throughout English-speaking Ireland.

Traditional Irish Music

In Gaelic Ireland, there were at least ten instruments in general use, which were the cruit (a small harp) and clairseach (a bigger harp with typically 30 strings), the timpan (a small string instrument played with a bow or plectrum), the feadan (fife), the buinne (oboe or flute), the guthbuinne (a bassoon-type horn), the bennbuabhal and corn (hornpipes), the cuislenna (bagpipe), the stoc and sturgan (clarions or trumpets), and the cnamha (bones).

Brendan Behan

 Behan’s fortunes changed in 1954 with the appearance of his play The Quare Fellow, his major breakthrough at last. Originally called The Twisting of Another Rope and influenced by his time spent in jail, it chronicles the vicissitudes of prison life leading up to the execution of the quare fellow, a character who is never seen.

Contact Us

Email Address

+33 (682) 40 55 34


Le Sardanapale
2 Avenue Princesse Grace
98000 Monaco