Monaco-Ireland Arts Society

Promoting Irish Literature and the Arts in Monaco



Culture Snippets


Bernard Shaw

Nearly all Shaw’s writings address prevailing social problems with a vein of comedy which makes their stark themes more palatable. Issues which engaged Shaw’s attention included education, marriage, religion, government, health care, and class privilege.

Irish Literature

Irish literature is rooted in Celtic mythology, as well as the suffering and hardships the Irish people have experienced over the course of their history. Wit and humour, often in the form of satire or irony, have characterized much of Irish literature. Another key feature has been the ample use of wordplay, from the early sagas to the 20th Century experiments of James Joyce.

Samuel Beckett

Endgame is a one-act play with four characters, written in a style associated with the Theatre of the Absurd.  It was originally written in French (entitled Fin de partie); as was his custom, Beckett himself translated it into English.